I was born and raised in San Jose, California, attending Catholic School from 4th grade through college, graduating from Saint Joseph College Seminary in 1993 with a BA in Philosophy. Following my graduation from college, I moved to Seattle as a member of the Channel program, a lay ministry training program, which I participated in for two years.
I am excited to be joining the St. Francis Xavier Community as both a teacher in the classroom and as the parish Faith Formation Director. Most recently, I served as the Faith Formation Director at St. Christopher Church in San Jose from June 2018 - June 2021. Prior to that, I served at St. Pius X in Essex as the Faith Formation Director.
My wife, Jennifer, is a teacher at Mater Christi School. My daughter, Sarah, is entering her junior year at UVM in the nursing program. My son, Liam, is serving as a missionary with FOCUS (Fellowship of Catholic University Students) and has been assigned to Columbia University.
Guiding our young people to have an encounter with Jesus or to deepen their established relationship with Him through creative prayer experiences and learning activities, has been my focus in faith formation. It is more important that we acquaint our young people to actually know Jesus in their lives than to know information about Jesus. It is all about a relationship with God, with community, and with those, we encounter in service to the Gospel, that brings our Catholic faith to life.